
How to Create an Email Newsletter in Outlook

Using an email newsletter can be a helpful tool to increase productivity and development in your business. Imagine if your employees were just as excited to read your newsletter as they are checking their social media feeds.

After reading our guide, you’ll know exactly how to create an email newsletter in Outlook create and get the best email newsletter templates and themes.

Reading: How to create an outlook email newsletter

Creating and sending email newsletters with confidence is possible when you understand how to create them and the best online e -Mail newsletter templates used. In addition, you will learn to choose the most suitable internal email platform for designing employee communication.

Image formatting in Outlook newsletters

What exactly is an email newsletter?

E -Mail newsletters are electronic messages intended to inform recipients of relevant information. That last sentence is crucial.

The main idea of ​​an email newsletter is to get read; what use is your precisely produced employee newsletter if your employees do not think it is worth reading?

When developing an email newsletter, ask yourself: “Would my readers want to read this?” and leave it alone Let this be your guiding principle for the structure, images, text, etc.

Email Newsletter Recipients

It’s important to determine who Your target audience is . The most effective technique for classifying your audience is to break it down into internal and external audiences. Understanding this critical distinction is important when considering how to create a newsletter.

External Target Markets

An external audience is a group of recipients who have signed up for a mailing list, also known as a distribution list.

You can quickly gauge the engagement of your external audience: they will unsubscribe from your email list if they don’t like your material!

If you’re writing for an external audience, remember that many other organizations compete for the attention of your recipients; You must highlight your information!

Internal Target Markets

An internal target market is anyone within a company who receives an email newsletter.

With employee newsletters, it’s harder to judge whether your readers will like your material; Employees often cannot unsubscribe from employee newsletters. Thus, the number of subscribers cannot be used to measure success. Employees who consume company information on a daily basis are more connected to your company’s goals and culture.

Create an email newsletter with these steps

Now let’s see how how to create an email newsletter in Outlook that you are familiar with the basics.

First, create an email newsletter schedule; then you need to ask yourself a few questions before you start thinking about how to put together a newsletter.

  • What am I hoping to achieve with this newsletter?
  • Who am I writing for? Who else might be watching?
  • What will I promote?
  • How can I tell if I’ve achieved my goal?

Design your email newsletter

You’ve determined the what, who and why of your email newsletter; now it’s time to figure out how.

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Think about the appropriate approach to delivering information to your audience; for example, sending emoticons and animated GIFs in emails to announce that someone is on bereavement leave may not seem sensible.

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In our hypothetical situation, you already know:

That the information you entrusted to me is critical to the well-being of employees and probably quite boring. Your co-workers have been working from home for a while and may be a little reluctant to pay special attention to another business email.

Try breaking this information down into the questions previously described, but give it some thought Newsletter design.

If you do the necessary preparations, you can get many ideas for successful ways to engage your employees.

Create an e-mail newsletter with these steps

Issues with email newsletters

HTML code is often used to format the content of email newsletters. Because HTML lets you send images, videos, charts, buttons, and more from within Outlook or Gmail, it’s no surprise that many people prefer HTML-based email newsletters.

HTML can, however, be used at various Problems Devices have problems, resulting in HTML being garbled and turning your nice-looking material into a confusing mess.

Some of the difficulties you may find with HTML emails in Outlook are missing ones Subject lines and fonts, incorrect information and corrupted email graphics and tables.

HTML emails are not constructive if you have to constantly debug them to display them correctly.Getting your email content to display properly on employees’ devices is a crucial part of your corporate newsletter pre-send routine.

If you’re having trouble reading your email due to HTML issues -deliver newsletters in Outlook, we have a solution: email templates.

How to design your Outlook newsletter templates

With some basics to create your Outlook newsletter Starting with templates is an excellent place to start. After all, your goal here is to create a framework that you can use for yourself, so any changes you want to make will have to wait until you’re done. Some of the most important steps are as follows:

Open Outlook and select the option to create a new email

The main function of Outlook is this , to help you write your emails. However, you can also use it to create email newsletters in PSD format, so you might find a purpose for the best Outlook email templates you can come across. In your situation, to create your template, you would need to create a new email to format the email appropriately.

Decide on a topic for your newsletter

You can also offer your newsletter a specific topic that suits your goals. This can help you make a special impression on your recipients and it can be a helpful step for your template. Choose options on the File tab after choosing a theme if you want to include one in your document. Choose stationery and fonts from the drop-down menu, then click Design. That should give you several basic themes to choose from, allowing you to customize your template for whatever purpose you have in mind. You can also get ideas for your topic from various Word newsletter templates that you can find online, which will help you get a better idea of ​​what you are aiming for.

Various Organizing Parts of Your Newsletter Email Newsletter

By organizing the different parts of the body of your newsletter, you can use them as a guide when writing the newsletter itself. Each segment of your newsletter should have a unique title, entered on a separate line. This can contain parts such as the greeting, the title, the text, etc. These names are meant to act as placeholders for your printable HTML construction email template, so you can use them as a guide for each part of your final newsletter as you compose it. You can also change the font style of each line to better distinguish the different parts of the document.

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Save your template

To save your template , you must click File and Save to complete the process. Choose Outlook Template from the Type drop-down menu to save the file as an Outlook template. After that you can decide on the name of the file; Make sure you use a name that will make it easier for you to find that particular template if you need it in the future. This also helps you differentiate between different templates when creating more than one template at a time.

To find your newsletter template for later use, go to New Forms and search then

When you want to create your newsletter, select New items from the menu bar, More items and choose a form from the list. This will open a dialog where you need to select user templates from the file system by selecting Search and then User Templates from the menu bar. You should find all the templates, e.g. B. Christmas email newsletter templates and more.

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You should create your modern newsletter templates in Outlook using the basic tools provided. If you come across simple HTML newsletter templates in the future, you might be able to use them for more than just sending emails to your subscribers. This can provide additional opportunities for communicating with your customer base to further increase your business’s chances of attracting them.

Image formatting in Outlook newsletters

The only thing on your mind should is to do it Include photos in your email newsletter. The procedure varies a bit depending on the version of Outlook you are using, but generally follows the same phases. How to achieve it in the latest versions of Outlook; The procedure is similar to previous versions. Follow these steps to add an inline image to your newsletter:

Select the Format Text option

  • Select HTML from the Format drop-down list from menu.
  • Select “Insert” from the top menu after placing the cursor to insert an image.
  • Select “Images” from the Illustrations menu.
  • Select the image (or many) you want to use on your computer, then click Insert to insert them.

Resize the image to increase or decrease the size of your image after insertion, or change how the image interacts with surrounding text by selecting an option from the Layout Options section.For example, you can choose “Inline with text” to place the image along the same line of text as the text, or “Wrap text” to have the text wrap around the image.

Go to tips for the Sending email newsletters includes:

Don’t use misleading subject lines

Readers will be irritated if they expect something about a thing read, and it’s also presented with something completely different instead.

Avoid “suspicious” keywords

Some terms will undoubtedly land your letter in the spam Binder. Many of these terms have something to do with consumer finance or prescription drugs. A look in your anti-spam folder should give you a good idea of ​​what terms to avoid.

Maintain good grammar and punctuation standards

A bad A worded email is unlikely to end up in an anti-spam folder. However, this will tarnish your trustworthiness in the eyes of readers. It is therefore important that you proofread an email thoroughly before hitting the send button.

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Always include a link back to your website in your marketing emails. Do not use marketing emails to spam individuals with the material. Instead, your main goal should be to get visitors to visit your website, as this is the primary means of doing business with you. Many marketers use short articles with links to additional information on their websites. This method also allows you to closely monitor the results of your marketing activities (e.g. by analyzing click-through rates).

Make the unsubscribe process as easy as possible

This is also in the CAN-SPAM Act. Although it’s the law, you should obey it because it leaves you with a clean list of people who want to hear from you.

It’s time to send out your email newsletter after you’ve completed your Have email marketing perfected. To increase response rates, send your emails in a way that makes it appear like you’ve taken the time to send them to each recipient individually, using only their names in the “To” field. This is called a mail merge. You can BCC all your recipients, but that will surely result in your email being marked as spam.

How to use Outlook to send email- Newsletters

If you use Outlook, you can do this by doing a mail merge with Microsoft Word. Various challenges arise in mail merge, e.g. B. the inability to send email marketing with an attachment, or the inability to control how fast the emails are sent (if they are sent too fast it could lead your ISP to think you be a spammer). However, it is built-in and free.

How to create an email newsletter in Outlook

How to use the Deliver Custom add-in to send email Mail newsletters

  • In the main Outlook window, click the “Create a new campaign” button.
  • Choose whether you want to send people in your address book or send from a text file.
  • Compose the e-mail newsletter.
  • Text for customization can be added here (e.g. first name)
  • When you’re done, select Send Individually from the drop-down menu. Down menu.

The add-in shows you the first copy to make sure you’re happy with your work, and then sends the emails one at a time, with only one recipient in the field as if you were typing it quickly.

Although the add-in has additional features (like sending attachments with email newsletters and customizing each individual outgoing email), it’s enough select this to get it in your recipients’ inboxes.

Also read: How to send bulk email without spamming


Since Outlook has become easier to use, creating an email newsletter or embedding HTML in Outlook has become much easier.

It doesn’t exist more. With just a few clicks, get help to create an email newsletter in Outlook and start looking like a pro.

Internal company newsletters are an excellent application of this software. Keep up to date with the latest developments in a style your employees will read. Spend minutes rather than hours on it. There is no need to design, develop or pay someone else to create newsletters.

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