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MARCH 21, 2019| SpeedPro

No matter what your message, a large, boldly designed banner complete with bold colors and simple text is a great way to make it happen. Of course, banners and other types of signage and advertising are everywhere. As we walk down the street and through buildings, things compete for our attention. So how can you make sure your banner gets noticed?

The perfect banner doesn’t happen by accident. It requires some strategic design decisions. Let’s look at eight vinyl banner design tips to help you create the perfect banner.

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1. Know Your Purpose

To design the perfect banner, you first need to make sure you clearly understand your purpose. Why are you even creating one? What is this supposed to achieve? Here are some potential goals to consider:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Rebrand or change the public perception of your brand
  • A new product highlight
  • Create attention to a sale or promotion
  • Promote an upcoming event
  • Create a sense of community in a place
  • The Awareness of a Social Purpose

Banners have countless uses – these are just a few examples. Note that some purposes are longer-lasting and involve hanging banners for long periods of time, while others are temporary.

It may seem all too obvious to consider your purpose, but this is a crucial first step . Once you know exactly what you want your banner to accomplish, you can incorporate that goal—or goals—right into the way you design it. As we will discuss later, you want to keep your banner simple in its design, so it is important that every detail of the design helps you achieve your purpose.

2. Make the banner stand out from its surroundings

Once you have a clear idea of ​​the purpose of your banner, you want to think carefully about where to place it. For starters, will it be indoors or outdoors? Hung at your business or event location or elsewhere? While placement is important for a number of reasons, the key here is the physical setting of the banner. You want your banner to stand out to catch the attention of passers-by, so you need to consider what background it will compete against to stand out.

If you’re not paying close attention to the surroundings, you might If you do this, design a banner with what appears to be a striking red and orange color scheme, for example, and then find that it’s hung on the facade of a red brick building, where it gets lost in the similar surrounding colors. In this case a color like white, blue or green would be a much better choice than red or orange.

A banner that stands out from its surroundings will be more conspicuous.

In some cases, you may need to add a white or black border around the sides of your banner design to make it stand out better, especially when competing with a busy background. A banner that stands out from its surroundings will be more eye-catching. In addition, according to the so-called isolation effect, this type of placement also increases the likelihood that people will remember the banner even if it is no longer visible.

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3. Choose Colors Wisely

Selecting a color scheme that will help your banner stand out isn’t the only thing to think about. Anyone who works in marketing or graphic design knows that color is also crucial to getting the right message across. One study found that people form opinions about people and products within 90 seconds, and between 62 and 90 percent of that opinion is based solely on color.

While color associations and preferences are a personal matter that varies From person to person, there are also broader cultural associations associated with different colors that affect people’s perceptions in general. For example, in the US, green is often associated with the environment and money.

If color is so important, what are the best colors for vinyl banners? The answer depends on what impression you want to convey. In many cases, the important work of choosing appropriate colors for your banner has already taken place with your branding. If you’re designing a banner that aims to get your name out there and create better brand awareness, it’s crucial that the design emphasizes your brand colors.

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You don’t want your banner to just show off your brand colors , but you also want to make sure that’s exactly the case. In other words, you don’t want any shade of blue or shade of blue other than the very blue you chose to represent your brand. Be sure to use a printer with experience in color matching to achieve perfect accuracy.

4.Use high-quality images

Whether they’re photographs or graphics, eye-catching images are a great way to enhance your banner’s design. However, one of the most common mistakes made with large format printing is using low-quality images that end up looking blurry or grainy. When you look at an image on your computer screen, it can be difficult to tell what that object will actually look like when enlarged to fit a banner several feet wide.

Clear to your image and look sharp, even when enlarged, you need to use the right file type with a high enough resolution. In general, images saved from the Internet are not suitable. There are two main file types to look out for:

  • Vector (Outlines): Vector images are line art that maintain their quality no matter how you resize them.
  • Rasters (bitmaps): Raster or bitmap images are made up of tiny dots that form an image. These images can only be enlarged a certain amount before they lose sharpness.

If you

If you create a graphic for your banner, be sure to save it as a vector file. This ensures that the image does not lose sharpness when enlarged. If you’re using a photo or any raster image—including .jpg, .tif, and other common file types—make sure the file isn’t compressed and save it with an output resolution between 100 and 200 dots per inch (DPI). full image size. This strategy will help you get the best clarity.

You should also make sure you are using a printer that prints your banner at a high resolution. For example, at Speedpro we often print images at 720 DPI, resulting in an impressively sharp image.

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5. Make text readable remotely

Choose a classic font that

The good news when it comes to image quality is that the further away a person is from the banner, the sharper the images appear on them. However, spacing can potentially have a negative impact on readability. The key is to know from what distance your banner will be seen and then make sure any text on the banner is easily readable from that distance. This design tip is especially important for someone creating an outdoor banner.

Have you ever created a slide presentation that seemed perfectly legible on your computer screen, but was once projected onto the wall away from your target audience , clearly needed a larger font size? The same scenario can play out with a banner if you’re not careful. Size isn’t the only problem. Some fonts, especially cursive fonts, can be difficult to read, especially from a distance.

So how can you make sure passers-by can easily read the message on your banner? First, choose a classic font that isn’t overly stylized. You can even make the font bold if the letters look a bit thin.

Second, follow the rule of thumb from 10 to 100. This rule dictates that your letter height should be 10 inches at a distance to be readable from 100 feet. We can convert this rule into a simple formula that would look like this: distance in feet/10 = letter height in inches. For more information on how large your text needs to be to be seen at different distances, see our letter visibility table under the Signs category in our FAQ.

6. Keep the Text Concise

If you’re struggling to make your text large enough without running out of banner space, the answer isn’t necessarily a larger banner, although it can help Increase impact of your banner Banner. No matter the size of your banner, you want to keep your text concise. It’s not the time to get poetic. Instead, you should focus on getting your message across as directly as possible.

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Especially if your banner is placed in a location with pedestrian traffic, don’t expect people to stop to read your banner banners while it lasts. You will most likely only watch it for a few seconds. How can you package your message to fit this short attention span? One way is to take advantage of the non-text elements you’ve inserted. Make sure the graphics on the banner help get the message across as well as the text.

Observe the three times five rule for text. No, luckily that doesn’t mean your text has to fit on an index card. The three times five rule is a helpful banner design guide. This guide recommends keeping text to a maximum of 15 words, which may appear as approximately three words by five lines, or five words by three lines.

7. Make sure large banners have a clear focus

How to give your banner a clear focal point

Especially with large banners, part of your strategic design needs to be to have a clear focal point. Of course, that’s the hope people will do See and read your banner in its entirety, but if they’re just glancing at it, you want to tell their eyes where to look so they can catch the essential information.

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Your eye-catcher can be an image, a logo , a word, or a line of text. There are a number of ways you can emphasize a specific part of your banner. Here are some methods you can try:

  • Add contrast: You can use a bold color on a specific image or word to make it stand out from the rest of the banner, or you can surround the colorful text or image with some white space to help make it stand out.
  • Highlight Text: At Text, you can underline, highlight, bold, or capitalize text to instantly draw someone’s attention to a specific word or line. Nahe Almost everyone immediately recognizes that the underlined or otherwise altered text is most important to them.
  • Make it big: You can also just do the highlighted part, no matter what whether it is a piece of text, text or an image, will appear larger than other elements on the banner. Larger images immediately draw more attention than smaller details.

Don’t worry that this will be the only part of it while you determine where the focal point of your banner will be Your banner that people pay attention to. Your focus is like the hook. Remember that you have to get people’s attention first before they are interested enough to look at the rest of the banner.

8. Use Quality Materials

So what if you follow the last seven tips and design a banner that’s eye-catching and informative, but it’s printed on inferior materials or with low print resolution? This is not a situation you want to experience. As you go about designing your banner, don’t forget that the physical materials themselves are also extremely important if you want your end product to look professional.

One thing to keep in mind when choosing materials is the setting of your banner. If your banner is going to be placed inside, this factor doesn’t matter much. However, if it is going to be hung outdoors where wind might be an issue, consider using a mesh banner that allows airflow through.

An experienced printer should be able to print you guide to the best materials for you application. Make sure your printer uses high-quality materials from leading manufacturers, so it can give you a finished product that meets your expectations and catches the eye of passers-by with its vibrant colors.

Trust SpeedPro to Print Your Banner

When you’ve expended valuable resources designing the perfect banner, you want to be sure that you’re entrusting that design to a printer who can turn your dream into a reality. At Speedpro we have the expertise to guide you through the printing process and we produce a finished product that you can be proud of.

We print our banners using full color fade resistant inks, so you rest assured that your banner will look just as vibrant much later than the day you received it. We are able to print a wide range of banners that vary in size and color so you don’t have to limit yourself when working with us. If you want to make an impact, we can help you do it in style. Get started today by finding a studio near you.

Print your banner with SpeedPro

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