
The 15 Most Useful Tips For Naming A Food Blog

The name you choose for your food blog is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It’s the first thing people hear and it will stay with your website for the rest of their lives. The thing is, naming a food blog can be tricky! So here are some tips to help you find a name that’s perfect for your food blog.

If you’re just starting out in food blogging, be sure to check out my articles: How to Become a Food Blogger In 2021 and 5 Best Web Hosting Companies in 2021.

Reading: How to create a food blog name

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Think about your food blog for a while before naming it

There are many things to consider when naming a food blog . The first thing you should think about is what you want to do with your blog. If you write recipes for people, your name should reflect that. If you want to blog about food in general, name your site accordingly. You should also consider whether you plan to start a business with your blog. If so, the name might reflect that as well.

Research other blog names to help you find something unique

The best way to come up with a name for your food blog is to look at other websites. You can do this by visiting food blogs and seeing what names they have chosen. This will give you an idea of ​​what you like and don’t like and will make it easier for you to come up with a unique name. The easy way to do this is to go to google and type in your niche + food blog. Insert multiple niches and pay attention to the results. Also look at more pages than the first results. You’re trying to get ideas here, not do research to see which blogs are most popular.

Keep your food blog name short and simple

Many food bloggers choose short, simple names for their blogs. This is probably because they want to make it easier for people to find them. Also, short and simple names are easy to remember. Keep this in mind when choosing a name for your food blog.

Choose something that expresses what your blog is about

The Naming a food blog is important is not the easiest task. Your food blog name should represent your blog well. It should inspire the reader to visit your website. For example, if your food blog is all about pasta, it’s a good idea to include the word pasta in your blog title and domain. Then it will be easy for people to remember your website and find it in search. To make your blog easier to find, it’s a good idea to choose a name that is related to your blog’s niche.

Think about your target audience

This is a good idea to keep in mind for the people who will be visiting your blog. If your target audience is older people, then it’s a good idea to choose something that’s not too youthful. You don’t want to alienate your visitors. Also think about how you will find your target audience. If you have a blog that targets vegans, you want your domain name to reflect that it’s vegan-friendly. A person should see your domain name and know right away that your blog is for them. You don’t want to name your vegan food blog Grilled Steak Delight because no vegan would ever want to receive recipes from a site like this.

Remember that the name of your blog is yours and your brand

Naming a food blog is a task with long-term and far-reaching implications. The name of your blog is not only its name, but also the name of your brand. You may later want to develop your own products like cookbooks, video courses, or even merchandise like aprons with your blog’s name on it. That’s why your blog’s name needs to be marketable.

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If you don’t think anyone would wear an apron or buy a cookbook with your blog’s name on it, you need to choose something else. Your blog’s name is your brand, and you want it to be as marketable as possible. Your brand is who you are and there is no distance between the two. It’s something you can’t hide. As such, it’s important to choose a name that’s marketable to the right audience.

Valuable Tip: I recommend doing a preliminary search on social media platforms to making sure no one already has the handle to your domain. When I was considering Trendgredient as a name for my food blog, it was very important that the handle @trendgredient was available on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (aka “The Big Four”). Also, go ahead and sign up for The Big Four accounts once you’ve set up your domain name.

Don’t be too niche

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Going into a niche is a must if you have a food blog. The food niche is way too broad so you need to think about the areas you specialize in. However, if you become too niche specific, you may limit your potential future growth.What happens when you start a food blog about your favorite food, spaghetti, but end up realizing that there are only a limited number of different posts you can create about spaghetti? Instead of being so niche specific, broaden your horizons when naming your food blog. Name your food blog something like The Noodle Guru—something broader than just one type of noodle.

If your blog becomes too niche specific, you may be missing out on other niches that could help your blog expand blogging business. You will find in your blogging career that you have to cast a pretty wide net. How many blog posts can you make about BBQ Ribs? Your blog will need hundreds of posts to take off and be successful. If you don’t think you can fill your website with content about BBQ ribs, then go a little further and talk about grilled meats or something else closely related to the niche.

Don’t use slang that the average person doesn’t know

You can’t expect everyone to be an expert in your niche. Someone who is just starting to learn to cook may not know all of the lingo that you do. You want to make sure your name is out there for everyone. Slang is a tricky thing in the sense that it can be regional. That doesn’t mean you can’t use it in your blog posts; Just try your best to keep it out of your domain name unless it’s something almost everyone is familiar with.

Don’t even think about an extension other than .com

If you want to be taken seriously, you need to make sure that all of your URLs end with the .com extension. It doesn’t matter what type of blog you have; the .com extension is the only one worth using. Nobody will remember your domain if it’s anything other than .com. That’s the sad truth about domains.

You might feel tempted to buy a different domain extension because it’s either cheap or available. Don’t even think about it. The first thing to realize is that some of these cheaper extensions are very expensive to renew. The second thing is that nobody will ever remember your domain. If your domain is thespinichguru.club, someone will type thespinichguru.com just because they are used to it. You’re doing the same as everyone else. If you remember a URL, always end it with .com and don’t think twice if it could be another extension.

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There’s one exception where it’s okay to use a domain that is something other than .com

This one exception is if you want to create a country-specific blog and use its extension. An example of this would be if you start a food blog about Russian cuisine and only want to target Russians. If that’s the case, it makes sense to buy a domain with the .ru extension.

You have to be aware that country-specific blogs won’t get much traffic from outside. If you want people from other countries to know about your favorite Russian recipes, a .com domain is best. If your site is not in English or is targeting a specific group of people in a specific country, using the local extension is allowed. But even in this situation, using a .com is still preferred.

Don’t overdo it with using domain name generators

You can easily a .com get false hope when you use domain name generators to help you come up with a name. The reason for this is that you will see that many of the domains they suggest are available, but upon closer inspection many of the suggestions are terrible. It’s not that domain name generators are bad, but some of the prefixes and suffixes are so outlandish that they won’t do you any good.

Use domain name generators to interest yourself inspire creativity to help you find unique domain names. Don’t take their suggestions as gospel, as many of them are far from the ideal domain name for your website. You must do an excellent job of doing the naming process yourself because your domain name will live forever.

Accept the fact that naming your food blog will take a while

Naming a food blog takes time. Let’s face it, all good domains were snagged ten years or more ago. Your food blog needs a domain name; This is not a step you can avoid. It can take a few hours or days to find the right domain. Some people think they can do everything in the time it takes to order a sandwich at McDonald’s and get it through the drive-thru window. That’s not always the case when choosing the right domain.

Don’t be frustrated if the first few domains you check to see if they’re available are already taken. Just keep searching until you find the perfect one for you. This is a crucial aspect of building your brand and something that will take time.

Consider registering your domain for more than a year

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If you think you’ll be blogging for at least a few years, It is best to register your domain for more than a year. Many bloggers face the problem: they end up forgetting when it’s time to renew their domain. Every year you have to renew your domain or it will expire. When your domain expires, it means someone else can buy it.

You prevent a domain from expiring by registering it for multiple years at once. It will cost you more up front, but will save you a lot of headaches in the long run. You don’t want your domain to expire because if it does, all your hard work will be lost. After a few years of blogging and knowing that this is what you want to do, it’s a good idea to pay up to ten years of registration fees at once if you can afford it. By registering that many years at once, you don’t have to worry about someone gobbling up your domain name when it expires.

Make sure you’re using an email that you read often when registering your domains

Everyone forgets important things, and that’s why you want to use an email address that you read often when registering your domains. Why? That’s because the registrar sends you notifications when your domain expires. If you forget to renew, you’ll receive a notification and then be able to renew your domain with a few clicks or taps. If you use an email address that you rarely or never read, you won’t be notified when your domain expires.

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It’s a good idea to email the domain registrar login address you use on your phone and receive notifications when you receive messages. That way, you don’t have to worry about missing the email from your registrar when it’s time to renew. If it’s going straight to your phone, pay more attention because everyone always goes straight to their phone if it buzzes or makes a noise.

That’s probably a good idea. Skip the gender off your domain name

You may think of yourself as Mr. Tostada or the Hummus Chick, but if you’re naming a food blog, it’s best to keep your domain as gender-neutral as possible. Why? There may come a time when you want to sell your blog and move on. Right now you love teaching the world how to make all kinds of delicious hummus, but that could change. Life makes us change directions when we least expect it. There’s a chance you’ll want to sell your blog across the board in a few years.

If you’re selling your blog and the domain is gender specific, you might be restricting the people who will buy it. Would a woman really want to be known as Mr. Tostada? Probably not. How big is the concern? Well, it’s not too much of a problem in the long run, but it’s something you might want to consider. You may be in a position where you really don’t want to update your blog anymore and you’re seeing traffic drop because you’re not making constant updates and you think it would be best to slowly sell the site instead let it die.


Hopefully this article has given you some things to think about when naming your food blog. This is the most important aspect of your branding and something not to be taken too seriously. You want a domain name that will be your brand forever, so choosing an accurate and marketable name is very important.

When it comes time to choose your domain name, don’t rush your decision. Take the time to make sure the name you choose makes sense going forward. It’s important to remember that you want a name that people will remember and doesn’t sound like it could belong to anyone else. The whole point of your blog is to pique people’s curiosity and create more people who might want to check out what you have to say. You want a blog name that sets you apart from the rest of the food blogging world. Your domain name is the first thing people see when they see it in Google search results.

The domain you choose should be as short as possible, a .com, and as gender neutral as possible if you have a hunch that you might sell your blog later. If you follow these tips, you’ll eventually come up with an effective yet memorable name.

If you’re having trouble naming your food blog, take a break from your computer and give it a go remember to stew on it for a while. Sometimes such decisions are best made when doing something else, and a thought comes to mind. When you find a domain you like, register it for as many years as you can afford. Because domain registration is inexpensive, you can register for several years without breaking the bank.

Remember, the domain you choose is something you will have to live with for the life of your blog. If you have doubts about the quality of the domain, ask a friend or someone you respect to rate your decision. Say you have multiple cooking and food interests. In that case, you might want to consider getting a more generic domain so you don’t pigeonhole yourself into feeling like you can only blog about one topic.

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