
How to write the perfect blog post

But if you don’t have anything to talk about and publish, how do you expect people to visit your website or learn more about you and your company?

Marketing today is all about content and conversation. This is why blogs are so incredibly important, and you should actively create regular articles that your audience will appreciate, find valuable, and want to engage with.

Reading: How to create a creative writing blog

So how do you create great content? To create the perfect blog post—one that both people and search engines will love—you need some of the right key ingredients. A pinch of catchy titles. A delicious dose of an intro that emotionally connects the audience. A few images and bullet points to break up the text. All of these things add up to an excellent recipe for the perfect article for your website.

We will try to guide you through the process of creating your beautiful posts. But first, a quote from George Orwell:

“A conscientious writer will ask himself at least four questions in every sentence he writes, namely: 1. What am I trying to say?2. What words will express it?3. What picture or phrase will make it clearer?4. Is this picture fresh enough?”

Thanks, George. Here are Creative Boom’s top tips for writing the perfect blog post.

Understand your audience

First, consider your audience. Who are you writing for? Think about them and imagine you are sitting with them at the local pub. What language would you use to get to their level? would you be formal Informal? Friendly or strictly professional? How about a combination of all of these? Before you start writing, think about your audience and develop a specific writing style that fits your audience.

Don’t think too much

What people often think of blogging holding back is the fear that it won’t be good enough. That people will be willing to judge them and not enjoy what they have to say.

The beauty of blogging is that it should be as easy as having a conversation. It should be light and flow smoothly from your brain to your screen. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece competing with the likes of Orwell or Hemingway. Just stop thinking about it and start typing. You’ll be amazed at how easily the words flow once you stop worrying about what you’re writing.

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Pick a topic and an engaging one

Great Content that is shared again and again one of the following key topics comes up:

  • Information (what happened?)
  • Analysis (what does this mean to me?)
  • Advice (how do I do this?)
  • Entertainment (what on earth is that?)

Choose one of the options above out to get started. Do you want to inform or entertain your audience? Want to give advice or give an opinion? Choose a topic and then a topic to write about; one that will be valuable to your audience.

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When it comes to topics, don’t make the mistake of narrowly defining what’s interesting or relevant to your audience. For example, should bike brand Rapha only be talking about their bikes? Of course not. It would be boring, and that’s not going to work on social media. Instead, Rapha understands that his audience is crazy about cycling and the whole lifestyle that goes with it. So you blog about travel destinations, fitness tips, and even design.

Remember, your audience isn’t that one-dimensional. They are people and they are interested in a whole lot of interesting topics. Keep that in mind when choosing your own to write about. If you get stuck, read our tips on what to blog about when you’re running out of ideas.

Always keep your audience, topic, and topic in mind

Well, since you know who you are writing for and what you are writing about, stick a post-it note at the top of your computer screen and write:

  • Your Audience
  • Your Topic
  • Your topic and title of your post

You’ll be surprised how easy it is to wander off topic and lose sight of what you’re trying to write .

So, for example, if you’re writing “advice” for freelance photographers on how to protect their images online, put the following in a note:

  • Freelance photographers
  • Advice
  • How to protect your images online.

This simple technique will ensure you stay on track and write a successful blog post for your Engages audiences and satisfies their needs.

Choose your headline wisely

Once you’ve chosen a subject and topic for your blog post, create a draft headline. Headlines should always be attention-grabbing, even before we had to deal with 140-character tweets. A headline has one goal, and one goal only—and that’s to get people to click and read.

In that case, come up with a headline that you think will grab people’s attention.If you need inspiration for your “Advice” theme, consider choosing from the following winning formulas:

  1. Ideas for…
  2. Smart strategies for…
  3. Questions to ask before…
  4. [#] are signs you might…
  5. A complete guide to…
  6. [#] Essential steps to…
  7. What nobody tells you about…
  8. Where to find…
  9. How to beat…
  10. [# ] Rules for…
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Don’t worry if you can’t create the perfect headline before you’ve even started designing the body of your blog post. You can always come back to it later when you’ve finished your piece.

Write a Powerful Intro

Your intro is your next chance to keep your audience engaged. If you lose them in the first few paragraphs, you’re screwed. You can hold their attention in a number of ways: share an interesting quote or fact, tell a joke, or give them something that immediately speaks to their needs. You could even try to connect with them emotionally by writing an opening paragraph that triggers an emotion. That way, they’re more likely to stay and read more.

You should also write copy that promises people exactly what they’ll learn from your blog post. Discuss some of the things you want to cover. Define what value your audience gains from reading your post.

Most of the time, you want to get right to their level by catering to their needs and remembering why they clicked on your headline in the first place.

Get involved with the writing and organize your content

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Once you have your headline and introduction sorted, you need to start writing the body of the post. It can seem overwhelming at times, so break the task up into manageable parts by creating “sections” and creating subtitles for each one. Not only will it help you focus on completing your blog post step by step; it makes it easier for your audience to read.

These sections should cover whatever you want to say. Even better, with them all rendered on your computer screen, it’s a quick and easy way to see how your blog post’s skeleton is coming together and understand if anything needs to be changed or added. Spend this time getting each section right and putting things in the right order.

Now that you have your template, you can fill in the blanks. So start writing. Write about what you already know and, if necessary, do more research to gather the information you need to complete your post. When mentioning external sources, do not forget to give a correct attribution. It’s common to show gratitude this way, and your sources will thank you.

Make it the right length

In today’s digital world, people don’t have time to read through lots of copies. Keep things short and sweet by sticking to a total word count of between 500 and 1,000. It will make people happy while still obeying some old SEO rules of writing enough content for the hungry search engine bots to crawl through and gobble it up.

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Add appealing images or break them things up

The eye doesn’t like blocks of text. It can be overwhelming and put off the reader. If so, break up the text by adding images, embedded videos, or quotes to keep the blog post engaging and readable.

If you can’t break up the text with images, consider adding sections with adding subtitles, more paragraphs or bullet points where possible.

Closing things up nicely

A conclusion isn’t just for the essays we used to write for our homework. It’s a great way to reiterate some of your key points and give the reader a great overall impression of your blog post. It’s also an excellent opportunity to include a call-to-action of what the reader should do next. Do you want them to stay on your blog and read another article? Point them out! Should they download a free e-book and subscribe to your newsletter? Whatever you choose, make sure you include something that adds further value.

If you want to encourage further engagement, why not ask people to leave a comment and give their opinion on yours share article? It’s a great way to get your audience talking and feeling like they’re part of the conversation. Even better, it’s all part of your relationship building and could mean they’ll come back for more.

Proof your post and fix any issues

You’re so close to done to become, but you’re not quite there yet! Proofreading is a crucial part of blogging and is often overlooked. Go through your entire post and check for spelling and grammatical errors and make sure everything makes sense. If necessary, print it out and go through it, highlighting any areas that need to be changed.

Click “Publish” and go

When you’re done with the final When you are happy with the draft, click Publish. , sit back and enjoy the traffic coming to your blog. Congratulations, you’ve just followed the ideal recipe to create a perfect blog post.

Of course, this is only one aspect of successful content marketing. If you want tips on how to activate this content and present it to your audience, check out this space! Another tips article will be available soon.

In the meantime, check out our top 20 tips to get more readers to your blog, or read this helpful article on how you can increase engagement on your blog.

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