
The Perfect Training Log: How to Track Your Workouts Simply and Effectively to Improve Your Success

You should record your workouts with a workout log, it’s that simple.

When you use a workout log, you give yourself access to your own fitness history, which then allows you to use that information to find out how you can improve your success.

This is your goal when using a training log or any form of tracking. They collect data so you can improve your progress.

Reading: How to create a training log

At least you should.

If you’re using a workout log, a phone, an Excel spreadsheet, or that piece of paper you found in the corner of the Gym. All of this is data gathering.

But if you really want to improve, it’s important that you do it consciously.

Below is our GAP method, to consciously record and get the most out of your workout:

Gap = Goal – Action – Progress

  1. Set a Goal
  2. Draw the action
  3. Check your progress

The custom workout log

You can choose your pages, design your cover and definitely rock your workout!


Step 1: Set your goal

Even if you’re just exercising to get fit When you get it, you have one goal: “Keep in shape”.

Writing it down gives you some mental willpower so you can look back and see where you’re striving for when your consistency starts to falter.

You can make this goal more effective by giving it a timeline and some methods of maintaining it. But even if you have that goal, you’re more likely to achieve it.

If you want to reinforce this goal, write it down every day.

Begin each workout with the goal. This helps you chart the progression of your workout and gives you something to measure when reviewing the session.

This goal can be very specific, such as: B. Deadlift 175 pounds 10 times without rest. Or your goal can be much broader, like having fun with your friends.

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By setting your goal and writing it down, you focus your efforts and greatly increase your likelihood of success.

Step 2: Write down your action

First, write down the entire workout. This way you can think about the movements, reps and sets before your body has to move even an inch.

This mental preparation can be a great asset, especially when faced with activities that often challenge you. Preparing for the weights and knowing where you’re likely to struggle is a sign that you’re learning your strengths and weaknesses and how to address each.

Try hard Defining what you should aim for for each set can work toward a specific amount.

If you are unsure of your strength, aim to make the last set a maximal effort, completing as many reps as possible.

You can really push yourself and should give you a benchmark for where to start your next workout.

When you complete a movement or set, record your numbers in the workout log.

With every completed set or movement, find a way to record your success or failure, your weight, number of reps, time to complete, or whatever measurement you have.

It’s important to do this right away because your short-term memory declines quickly with maximum exertion. Your brain literally shuts down when you push yourself to the limit.

This is also why you want to write your workouts into the workout log in advance, so recording during workouts is as easy as possible.

Step 3: Check your progress

Keep specific notes about what worked and what didn’t work

One one of the best parts of a training log is the ability to easily write whatever you want.

We’ve added a special notes section to almost all of our ready-made training pages, pencil and paper, but you can write wherever you want. So if a shoulder bothers you, circle those PRs, mark the set it started on, and note any mobility issues you’re dealing with.

Take notes on yours Performance so you can diagnose your successes and failures. This knowledge about yourself allows you to set your next goals.

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When you record your workouts, you give yourself access to your own fitness history. Your data.

And that way, you can use that information to figure out how to improve your success.

Using a training log is the easiest and most flexible way to track the complex workouts we encounter in our training.

We agree with James Clear in his description of a journal:

  1. Simple – The ability to scroll to a page and either find your old workout or record your new one can’t be overstated for its power.In less than 10 seconds you can record your exact workout without scrolling through screens, opening keyboards or trying to ignore notifications. We all know how hard that is.
  2. Useful – Aside from its simplicity, a workout log gives you the ability to easily keep and review your workouts within seconds. It can take you anywhere, and there’s never a battery issue to deal with.
  3. Versatile – A workout log gives you the power to write a workout, big or small, with any notes, thoughts, arrows, or exclamations. It records the notes that work for you.


Switching from Strength to Cardio (or Metcon)

During some workouts you’re doing separate cardio/metcon (metabolic conditioning) workouts and we’ve created a space to keep them separate. The same rules apply, write down your workout beforehand so you can easily record your progress as you complete it.

Track your metrics

Track your diet, your Sleep, your mobility and your goals are extremely important as these parts of your life greatly influence your training progress.

Using a training log is the easiest and most flexible way to map out the complex training sessions that we encounter in our training. to keep in mind. We agree with James Clear in his description of a protocol:

By tracking it, you can also reproduce the success of previous training cycles and predict future success when you pin down these components of your life.

If it’s a PR or you decide to keep track of all your lifts, put them in the PR index.

Finally, it’s important to have those personal records somewhere To record you can easily refer to it. That’s why we’ve included a PR section at the bottom of our training log to record your key lifts and moves. That way you have one place to look to the next time you try that exercise you haven’t tried in two months.

Review – the “other” reason for recording of your training sessions in a training diary

The really nice thing about training logs is that you can easily review and reflect on previous training. With the other metrics we’ve included, it becomes very easy to recover past successes and/or tailor your next workout to gradually reach your goals.

How to create a workout log

A training log is really about information, your information, and in creating our log we wanted to give you a head start and provide space for all the goals, training, benchmarks and personal records you can indulge in.

We created an exercise log to not only track your exercise, but to track the components of your life that impact that exercise. When deciding what to put on our sites, we tried to find universal metrics that profoundly affect performance; Am I getting enough water? how did i sleep Have I worked on my goals and my mobility? With these daily reminders and spreadsheets, you can look back and add an extra layer of information to either recreate or build on your success.

We create amazing training logs

You can choose your pages , design your cover and definitely rock your workouts!

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