
MLM Blog: How to Build Your MLM Business by Blogging

In this in-depth post, I want to explain how to set up your own MLM blog, why you should do it, and educate you on how to build your MLM business through blogging is a topic that fascinates me. I hope to pass on and teach you what I’ve learned about blogging over the past 11+ years.

My Story and How I Came Here

I got involved with network marketing for the first time in 2002. I built my business in the traditional way for the first nine years. I was fine with these methods, but honestly hated it. I knew there had to be a better way to build my business that matched my personality, skills and goals. Do you understand that?

Reading: How to create a mlm blog

When I got into network marketing, the Internet was still new (at least to me). I knew nothing about email or websites. There were no blogs. There was no Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. I still used AOL and my phone to connect to the internet.

I heard about the idea of ​​blogging in 2009. When I first joined My Lead System Pro in 2009 (no, I’m not a member anymore) I bought a book called Magnetic Sponsoring. The book taught me many valuable business lessons, but the greatest lesson was attraction marketing. After reading the book I thought the best way to apply the principles of attraction marketing is to create my own MLM blog or website. So that’s what I did.

In October 2010 I started with an MLM website and grew it to around 2,000 pages, but then I decided to switch to a blog instead. The only problem I had with a traditional website was that I couldn’t make it as interactive as I could with a blog. I wanted a site where people could ask questions, leave comments, and share their thoughts. So in April 2013 I started this MLM blog.

Jump ahead a few years and I’m building my MLM business mostly through blogging. I don’t make unannounced calls, chase people to the mall, annoy friends and family, throw house parties, or look for strangers. I don’t do meetings, three-way calls, or drive across town to meet up with people.

I believe in getting people to CONTACT ME FIRST with their credit card hand instead of trying to contact them and sell them. I try to be a welcome guest rather than a nuisance (thanks Dan Kennedy!). I believe in promoting myself (attraction marketing) rather than just promoting a network marketing business. And I can’t think of a better way to do that than blogging.

Reasons to start your own MLM blog

Reasons to start an MLM blog

Why Should You Build Your Network Marketing Business Through Blogging? Why should you have your own MLM blog? Here are a few good reasons that come to mind.

#1: You don’t own anything

If you are just building a team in your MLM Company, You own nothing. You do not own your downline, the products, the intellectual property, the company shares, etc. You can cancel at any time for any reason. The company can go bankrupt or shut down at any time. Simply put, you own nothing.

You should have an MLM blog because a blog is a real business, a real asset, and you OWN it! It’s something you own, and if you build it up properly, it becomes an asset that you can one day sell (if you want to).

#2: Promote yourself yourself

Another good reason for blogging is to promote YOURSELF first. You can build your own brand. Rather than just promoting your network marketing business, position yourself as an expert and authority on a specific topic. People join people, not companies, so it’s important to promote yourself first. Also, if you promote yourself first, you won’t be dependent on any particular network marketing company.

#3: Global Audience

Blogging allows you to connect with a worldwide audience. You get free traffic from the search engines 24/7 even when you sleep. Your audience will consist of people from EVERY country. Plus, if you do the right marketing, SEO, and website optimization, you can find people searching for your business or its products. Best of all, these people get to you first.

#4: Multiple Sources of Income

The final reason for blogging (and my favorite ) is having multiple revenue streams in your business. You can promote various affiliate products, sell your own services, promote your MLM business, sell advertising and more. My blog has more than 30 revenue streams, with three to five of those revenue streams being significant. And I make money whether people join my team or not! That’s the position you want to be in.

How to build your own MLM business through blogging

How to build your MLM business through blogging

In the following paragraphs I will show you how to build your MLM business through blogging. I will give you step-by-step instructions.

Step #1 : Choose your target Market

This is where most people screw up Most people create a blog and then try to figure out who is going to read it This is the wrong approach You need your Select audience BEFORE creating the blog. The more segmented the audience the better.

I’m not suggesting creating a blog about network marketing. There are tens of thousands of blogs on the subject. The competition is hard and it will be difficult to rank high in the search engines and get noticed also don’t write about your mlm business the name is branded legally protected and you will get yourself into serious legal trouble as a result. Or if your company goes out of business, your MLM blog will be useless.

Focus on the benefits of your product or service instead. Here are a few examples:

  • If you sell energy drinks, create a blog about energy drinks.
  • If your business sells cosmetics, create a blog about Cosmetics.

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    • If your business sells vitamins, create a blog about vitamins.
    • If your business sells weight loss items, create a blog about Weight Loss Articles.

    This is the best way because the people who visit your blog want more information about what you write about and they will be in your target market!

    My best advice is to do a lot of thinking in your niche. You don’t want a niche that’s too big or too small. For example, if you want to blog about weight loss, it’s better to blog about natural weight loss or holistic weight loss or weight loss after 60. Got it?

    A blog niche is a carefully chosen subject area that you will focus your blog content on. In simpler terms, choosing a blogging niche is really just another way of answering the question: How do you decide what to blog about?

    And that’s a pretty important question, which needs to be answered since you’re still very early in the process of starting your blog…because it might ultimately be the deciding factor in the future success (or failure) of your blog.

    While some bloggers simply writing about whatever comes to your mind is not a great blogging strategy for long-term success. Especially if you want your blog to eventually generate revenue and become more than just an online diary with a small handful of readers tuning in to your thoughts. ~ Ryob.com

    Step #2: Develop Your Website Draft

    Don’t be in a hurry to just create your blog and start writing. Take your time to develop your plan. Think of it as business planning. What you really want to do is build a list of keywords by doing your keyword research. This is a comprehensive list with hundreds, even thousands, of topics that you will eventually write about.

    See also: Build an online bakery website in these 7 super fast steps

    You should also think about how you will STRUCTURE your blog, what the layout will be, and how you will do it will make money. You should also identify your unique selling proposition and think about how to PROMOTE your MLM blog.

    Form these ideas into a one-page business plan. I have a business plan for each of my blogs and it has helped me a lot.

    You don’t have to spend WEEKS on this step, just take some time to do it. Write it all down and get organized!

    Step #3: Set up your MLM blog

    Let me start by telling you say I’m not a techie. You don’t have to be a techie to have your own blog. I suggest you just hire someone to set up the blog for you, so all you have to worry about is writing content. You can hire someone online to do this for you for less than $100.

    I think it’s money well spent because it will save you LOTS of time, especially if you have no idea what They do.

    One tip is to NEVER use a free blog on a subdomain. You want a self-hosted blog, not a free WordPress or Blogger blog. I recommend this advice because people just don’t take you seriously with a subdomain or free blogging service. Also, you don’t own it and have limited ways you can monetize it.

    A self-hosted blog like the one I have only costs me about $100 a year for hosting, so it’s such a small investment.

    Step #4: Provide the BEST content you can

    What a successful blog of a blog that is not doing well is the content. On the Internet, content is KING. Don’t expect to write a bunch of short, crappy posts and get tons of traffic. Your content must deliver. Your content is what makes your blog work (or not).

    Your content should be aligned with the topic of your blog. Each post should be at least 1,500-2,000 words of original, quality content (the more, the better).Don’t write about what everyone else is writing about. be unique. Be different. Have your own VOICE on your blog.

    Give people a reason to come back to your swamp. If you don’t want to write quality content, you shouldn’t even have a blog!

    To build and maintain a successful blog, you need a well-established content plan. It should include all the details about future blog posts, release schedules, audience development, and more. Without this concrete plan, it is impossible to maintain the popularity and consistent quality of your work.

    Quality content, regular publishing, good design and an established social media presence are identified as the four most important factors in determining the credibility of a blog. ~ First Site Guide

    Step #5: SEO & Marketing

    How to Create a Fresh, create quality website content, it is important to have the right SEO and a good marketing plan. That means you have to spend time and money promoting your content. Quality content is not enough. In fact, it’s useless if nobody knows about it.

    You can do your own SEO or hire someone to do it. You can outsource your SEO and marketing if you wish, but I suggest you do it yourself first so that you familiarize yourself with what to expect and what to look out for when hiring someone to help you with this.

    Step #6: Have Multiple Income Streams

    Your blog should have multiple income streams including Amazon, Google AdSense, affiliate products, your MLM business , coaching, services, etc. My websites have about 30 different revenue streams. It allows me to make money whether someone joins my team or not.

    Most visitors to your blog will NEVER become a customer or representative of your team. If you don’t have a way to monetize these people, you will be leaving a lot of money on the table! Remember, you want something for everyone! You want to maximize the monetization of each visitor.

    Start with a few income streams (three to five) and add more as your MLM blog grows.

    Step # 7 : Generate Leads and Build a List

    Your blog is your hub, but your real business is your EMAIL LIST. The purpose of your blog is to build your email list. In turn, your email list is what makes you money and grows your MLM team.

    You want an opt-in form on your MLM blog so people can subscribe to your email -List can join. This is where people will give you their name and email address in exchange for something free. Here’s how to build your list.

    Then, let the people on your email list know about your various revenue streams, including your products and your MLM business. I sell, recruit, and outsource primarily through my email marketing efforts. You want to do that too. The money is in the list.

    Your blog should generate leads for your MLM business and promote your various revenue streams.

    Step #8: Expand your MLM business Business


    As your blog grows and your traffic grows, so does your list. As your email list grows, you will sponsor more customers and distributors for your business. I have people calling or emailing me every day to join my team. You found me on my MLM blog, got my emails and are ready to work with me! Wouldn’t it be cool if a few people called or emailed you every day wanting to learn more about your products or business?

    Building your MLM business through blogging is just the beginning slow. Success doesn’t come overnight. But once you have a blog with lots of traffic, you can easily promote any MLM business because the audience is yours. Your goal is simply to get people to subscribe to your email list and then email them about your activities!

    A warning

    I must warn you. Blogging is neither quick nor easy. Rest assured that it will take at least TWO YEARS of blogging before you can expect to see any traffic. You can’t just start a blog today and have it profitable tomorrow. It takes time, lots of work, and persistence, just like network marketing.

    If you take the time to build a good MLM blog, it can be a good cash cow. But individual results will vary. Deciding to start my own MLM blog was one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made.

    how to create your own mlm blog

    How to create your own mlm blog

    See also: How to Write an Action Required Email Making People Take Action Right Away

    In this section I would like to share with you how to create your own MLM blog. Consider this the step-by-step guide you need to follow to start your MLM blog.

    Step #1: Pick a topic

    The first thing you want to do is choose a topic for your MLM blog. You have two choices. You could choose Network Marketing as your niche or create a topic based website. If you’re set on MLM as your niche, try to pick a narrow sub-niche.Ideally you want something geared towards “MLM leads” or “online MLM or MLM blogging tips” or something else. Your second option would be to pick a niche around your product line. For example, if your business specializes in coffee, you could create a coffee-themed website. By choosing a sub-niche, you have less competition and a better chance of ranking high in search engines.

    Step #2: Choose a good domain name

    You have to think a lot about your domain name. Don’t wing it! You’ll be sticking with this domain name for a long time, so take advantage of it. Try to brainstorm ten to twenty different domain names and ask others for input. Avoid hyphens if possible and try to get a dot-com domain. Also, limit your domain name to three words or fewer. Short and memorable is ideal! You can register your domain name through Go Daddy. This is what I use and recommend.

    Choosing a domain name that is easy to type is critical to online success. Using slang (u instead of you) or words with multiple spellings (express vs. xpress) can make it harder for customers to find your site.

    If your domain name is long and complex, you risk it , that customers make a typo or write it wrong. Short and simple is the way to go.

    Use keywords that describe your business and the services you offer. For example, if you are a glass replacement business, you may want to register GlassRepair.com or GlassReplacement.com. ~ GoDaddy.com

    Step #3: Create Your Site Blueprint

    Before you create your Set up blog You should create your site blueprint. This is where you do your keyword research and collect at least 500-1000 keywords that you will write about. These become the topics for content on your MLM blog. If you can’t produce at least 500-1000 keywords, you should find another niche. The last thing you want to do is run out of ideas to write about after only 50-100 posts. Gather these keywords in an Excel spreadsheet and try to organize them logically.

    Step #4: Purchase Hosting

    You need hosting for your MLM blogging. I suggest Site Ground. That’s who I use. They are some of the best in the business.

    Step #5: Set up your blog layout

    This is the technical side of setting up one blogs . I strongly recommend you outsource this to someone who knows what they are doing. You can hire someone on Fiverr.com, Craigslist.org, or upwork.com to do this for you. Estimated cost is $100-$400 depending on what you want to do. Find three to five different websites that you like and can use as a reference for the person creating your MLM blog layout. Be as specific as possible.

    You also want to ask for opinions on which plugins to use in your MLM blog. Ask a few other bloggers what plugins they use and recommend. This will get you started.

    Whatever you do, you should NEVER use a free hosting site. Get a self-hosted blog, not a dot blogger or dot wordpress blog. You want a blog that you own and have complete control over.

    Step #6: Create Your First Pages

    Once your Layout is ready, you need to create your first few pages. Ideally, you want a sitemap, a contact page, an about me page, a privacy/legal page, and a welcome page. Check out the tabs at the top of this site to see what kind of pages I use.

    Step #7: Start Blogging

    Your The final step is to start blogging. For the first year, you should blog at least several times a week. This will help you build your content quickly. Once you have a few hundred pages of content, you can set a regular schedule for posting, e.g. B. once or twice a week. When writing new posts, make sure your content is unique and of high quality. Don’t make short posts. Try to make each post at least 1,500 to 2,000 words long, if not more. Write for your visitors, not for the search engines.

    Blogging Pros and Cons

    Pros and Cons of Starting Your Own MLM Blog

    In this section I want Talk about the pros and cons of starting your own MLM blog.


    1. Once , your MLM blog can run on autopilot. It takes a lot of work for the first few years, but once your blog has picked up steam and achieved high search engine rankings, you can get started with ease.
    2. Generate multiple sources of income. You can easily generate multiple sources of income with your blog. You can replace or change any revenue stream with the click of a button.
    3. Global audience. You have access to a global audience. This is especially good if your MLM business is international.


    1. It takes a long time until you get it your blog ranks high. It can take two to five years of hard work to build your blog’s authority and ranking, sometimes even longer.
    2. You need to create new content every week. As a blogger, your audience expects you to create new, fresh content on a regular basis.
    3. A lot of technical experience required. There are a lot of things you should know about SEO, marketing, optimization , list building, email marketing, etc.
    4. The internet and algorithms are constantly changing; You have to keep up with them. Mother Google and the other search engines are constantly changing their SEO requirements. You must be able to keep up with these changes to keep your blog ranking high.

    Alternatives to MLM Blogging

    If blogging isn’t your thing and you have no desire to have your own MLM blog, but you see the value in attraction marketing, there are other things you can do:

    Video Marketing

    Starting your own YouTube channel using the tips for success in this article is a smart move. In fact, having your own YouTube channel might even be better than your own MLM blog. Although you don’t own the videos (like YouTube) and you have less control, YouTube owns a huge market share and is a great way to build your brand, grow your MLM business, and even have multiple revenue streams. Just remember, YouTube isn’t a big fan of our industry.


    Podcasting is an untapped gold mine. I think so. Think of podcasting as an online radio show. Basically, you create your own brand or channel for the niche of your choice. You create educational and entertaining content for your audience. This is how you build your brand. You can also grow your MLM business this way.

    Direct Mail

    Your next alternative to MLM blogging is direct mail. For the right person, this is a great strategy. I do a lot of direct mail myself and I know it works. This is the most expensive option of these alternatives to MLM blogging, but it’s simply the easiest strategy to follow.

    The traditional way

    Worst Case scenario, if you’re good with traditional MLM, you can keep doing it. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If you enjoy threesome calls, home parties and meeting people face to face, then I would stick with this strategy.

    Was it worth it?

    Several site visitors have asked me if it was worth it? If I knew what I know now and started fresh, would I still have started my own MLM blog? My answer is yes. While the first few years were difficult learning the basics, since then I have personally recruited SEVERAL THOUSANDS of people and have become a top recruiter and top earner in my company with a team of nearly 200,000 people. My business is on autopilot and I live a great life working from home full time.

    I don’t think blogging is a good option for everyone. It takes a love of writing and a lot of self-discipline, but it was worth it to me. I suggest you choose the strategy that works best for you, get started, and stay the course.

    Final Thoughts

    In conclusion Blogging is a great way to build your MLM business online if you have the patience, vision, discipline and focus to stick with it. In most cases, you need to work consistently on your blog for a few YEARS before you see any noticeable results. For people who don’t want to wait that long, you might be much better off just building your business offline or just making YouTube videos instead. But for the person who enjoys writing, internet marketing and SEO, blogging is a fantastic way to take your MLM business online. Like everything in life, there are pros and cons. It’s up to you to find out what works best for you and then take massive action.

    What do you think of MLM blogging? Do you have your own MLM blog? Leave a comment below to share your thoughts and let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you.

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