
How to Start a Blog for your Etsy Shop

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I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Marketing for your creative business boils down to one word. To blog.

Reading: How to create a blog on etsy

But if you’re like most people, it’s one of those words that can make you scream with delight or hide in a corner (I suppose depending on if you have one blog post or not).

As much as I love the Etsy selling platform, the problem with having an Etsy shop is that you don’t have an official home on the internet. Etsy is part of a wonderful marketplace with many other shops.

And it’s a great platform for e-commerce. It rarely fails, it’s easy to figure out (no HTML coding required), and you have a built-in audience seeing your product listings from day one. Etsy is a wonderful thing if you want to start a creative business.

But it’s not really a home for your shop. When I say home, I mean a place where your business lives.

To become a successful Etsy seller, you need to start a blog for your Etsy shop. Your blog is the place to share ideas, engage your biggest fans so you can engage with them more often, and build an audience that cares about your brand.

I have my arguments for that Beginning a blog for your Etsy shop detailed here. But the number one reason to start a blog for your creative business is that it will become your primary marketing tool.

I recently started direct pins to my Etsy listings on Pinterest to experiment. Even though they’re always easier to make, it’s kind of weird to promote my products this way. let’s be honest It’s not easy to create a Pin description that isn’t overly promotional and doesn’t scream “buy me”.

When you sell something directly, customers are least likely to buy. They want to get to know you and your story. They want to know what your store is about and how it differs from other creative businesses.

Simply posting all your products as pins or using social media to directly market them doesn’t get that meaning build relationships.

That’s where your blog comes in. It’s a tool to promote your products in a more discreet way. You can Insert product links into your blog posts, show your products in action, and write about new product lines without shouting “Look at me!” from the rooftops.

Most importantly, your blog posts are shareable While direct Pins to your products – no matter how snazzy – don’t share as well, potential customers want information and content. Your blog posts answer their questions and introduce them to your brand in an indirect way.

Your blog — better known as your new home on the web — also gives you the opportunity to build one relationship with your customers. It used to be said that you have to see a product 7 times before making a purchase decision. With the birth of social media, this number is now unknown. But we know it’s a lot more than 7.

The best customers are the ones you build a community with. It’s almost like inviting them into your living room for a cup of coffee (without actually inviting a complete stranger over). With your blog you can build this community. It’s a powerful tool when used properly.

But starting a blog for your Etsy shop may seem daunting at first. You have so many other responsibilities that you every day – especially when you’re starting your Etsy business – how do you find time to run a website too?

I recommend making nurturing your online community one of your priorities. Especially in the first few years that you’re selling on Etsy. As your community grows, you’ll have an audience to help take your business in the next direction.

You’ll also have an insurance policy for yourself in case something happens to your Etsy shop or to Etsy itself . Let’s just say that Etsy shuts you down unexpectedly (it still happens), you and your audience can seamlessly switch to another selling platform.

Your home – the blog – always stays the same.

What if I started my Etsy shop years ago but never created a blog for it had. Can I still start a blog?

The age of your Etsy shop doesn’t matter when it comes to starting a blog for it. No matter how old your shop is, you need a home for your shop.

It’s probably a little easier to start a blog for your Etsy shop after you’ve been established for a while. Starting a blog comes with some cost, so you’re more likely to want to invest in this step after you’ve tested and proven your product concept.

But how do I start a blog for my Etsy shop?

It’s not as daunting as it looks. Promise. You just have to set your budget and how complicated you want to make it. Here are some basic steps to starting a blog for your Etsy shop.

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(Stay tuned to the end for a checklist to make sure you don’t forget any of the steps.)

Securing Your Domain

The first step to starting a blog for your Etsy shop is to get your blog name. Ideally, this should be your Etsy shop name or something very similar.

Even if you don’t plan to start a blog for your Etsy shop right away, make sure to secure your domain name as soon as you decide to switch sticking with your Etsy shop concept for the long term.

Domain names are fun things. And if you’re not looking, they’re snapped up pretty quickly. If your store concept becomes popular, someone else might get wind of it and realize that you never bought a suitable website domain. They might try to buy it first and then resell it to you for a ridiculous sum. (I saw that.)

So make sure to secure your domain name first. You can buy Go Daddy name. Especially if you just want the website name but aren’t ready to start the blog yet. (This tool is also a great place to check if your domain name is still available.)

You can also buy your domain name from your website host. They usually offer it as part of their initial service package. The beauty of having everything in one place is that you can renew everything in one place. You don’t have to track multiple subscriptions and remember when different things expire.

Selecting a Host

The next step is to select a Host.

Depending on the type of blog you are for When you decide to set it up, you will need different types of hosting services.

My blog has always been powered by WordPress from the start. It was just the easiest choice for me.

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The problem with WordPress is that if you don’t know HTML you have to hire a designer to set it up first.

My favorite place, to buy WordPress themes is Blu Chic. They specialize in modern, feminine themes that suit most creative businesses.

But what I love most about Blu Chic is their customer service. None of my questions ever seem too big and they continue to answer them years after I bought the theme. They are also patient in guiding me through any obstacles I encounter.

If you are new to WordPress, they also offer a very reasonably priced service to set up your new blog theme for you. Although you must have WordPress installed and bought a domain name, they can get your blog up and running.

When I used WordPress in the past, you had to know a lot of HTML code to customize it. That has changed with the new editorial system. You can easily customize colors, font sizes, graphics, and add widgets.

If WordPress seems a little overwhelming to you, my second favorite option is Squarespace. This is an all-in-one website design tool where you buy a theme, custom domain, and even host an online store. While you might have an Etsy shop, it’s always a good idea to keep your ecommerce options open.

The other great thing about Squarespace is that their designs are made for creative business owners. They specialize in themes for photographers, artists, photographers, and other types of creatives.

Squarespace themes are known for their ease of design. You don’t need to know any HTML code, which makes it much easier to create a website you like.

You can choose any of their packages, which range from $12 to $18. That cost also includes hosting, so it’s a pretty good deal.

Designing Your Blog

Once you’ve got your blog up and running, it is time to create content for it. Although you could probably spend days getting your site exactly how you want it, there are a few areas to focus on first.

Welcome Page

The welcome page is the area where you inform your audience about your shop. You can use photos, text and graphics. Some blogs have a landing page that welcomes customers. From here, your visitor can click to your Etsy shop, blog, or any other place they want to visit.

However you set up your blog, make sure to include all the important information on the welcome book page . Your visitors should know what your store is selling, who you are and what problem you are solving without having to go to other pages.

About page

One of the most powerful parts of your store’s branding is you and your story. Every creative company has a story. That’s why you started your store.

Your About page is the place where you can tell visitors your why.Let them know how you came up with your brand, why you create the products you make and the process you have cultivated to make your products unique.

This is also a great place to showcase photos of your workspace, products in action, and YOU. Visitors want to see the face behind the company. So don’t hide it. Let them identify you with a photo (or two).

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Link to Etsy Store

Creating a home on the web helps your Etsy do not shop unless you link to it. Include a link to your store in your top menu, footer, sidebar, and any other element where it makes sense to include a link.

On Katarina’s Paperie website design, the web design includes a Row of boxes below the slider. In these boxes I have inserted one that links to the shop. That way the link is front and center (and over the edge) when people stop by.


Not everyone is an big fan of it including affiliate links and advertising on a shop website. But these kind of links are an additional source of income for me, so I like to mention them. Many of the larger Etsy shop websites include them and I don’t find them as distracting as others when set up correctly.

As your shop grows, you will see many different types of visitors coming to your site. Some might be ready and want to buy. Others might not, but they might be interested in a different product you’re promoting.

I’m a big believer in creating multiple revenue streams for your business. If you have the opportunity to build affiliate partnerships or get enough monthly views to qualify for an advertising program, do it. These alternative revenue streams can help your business stay afloat during downturns and make more money in the long run.

Ways to Contact

It’s always important to provide blog visitors with an easy way to get in touch with you. Create a contact page with a form to fill out so visitors can reach out to you with questions.

This is also a great place to add your social media buttons and email address. Make it easy for your visitors to reach you. You never know when that person will become a customer.

Insert a search bar

Imagine visiting your blog for the first time and looking for something specific. Since you are a new visitor you want to ask someone where to go. But since you’re on a website, there’s no one to ask.

That’s why you need an easy-to-find search bar. You can put it in the header, sidebar or footer. Ideally, having it in at least two places helps.

I know there have been times when I’ve visited a new blog and haven’t found what I was looking for. Or a search bar to help me find it. So I left. And I haven’t returned.

When creating your blog, consider visitor experience and make things easy to find. Your prospects are more likely to stay longer if they enjoy spending time on your blog.

Add Social Proof

If you are active on Social Media, make sure your social media handles are prominently displayed on your website. You can use pretty buttons that match your color palette. I display these buttons in the top right corner, sidebar and footer. That way they won’t be easily overlooked.

Another fun feature to add social proof to your website is adding plugins and widgets that show your social media accounts in real-time on your blog Show.

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On Katarina’s Paperie website, I’ve added an Instagram feed plugin below the footer. I love sharing photos on our Instagram feed so I can showcase them to our blog visitors (and hopefully gain more followers).

You can also add widgets to your sidebar and footer that does it all show your latest tweet about your new favorite Goodreads book.

Just don’t clutter up your site with too much social proof. A little goes a long way. Focus primarily on the social media marketing you are currently cultivating. It will help you grow this marketing tool faster.

Create an enticing opt-in

One of the top reasons you need a standalone website for your creative business is so you can grow your mailing list.

Think about it. Anything can happen to Etsy, Creative Market, or any of the many other ecommerce platforms you use. But your email list is yours. And if you’re relocating your business or looking to add e-commerce to your own website in the future, you have the option to reach out directly to your audience to let them know.

But people aren’t that keen on just giving away their email address – especially these days. Email addresses have become almost like pieces of gold.

To get visitors to sign up for your email list, you need to create an opt-in that will interest them in exchange for their email address.

There are many different opt-ins you can create for your mailing list. Here are my 10 favorites.

If you choose to opt-in, make sure it fits your audience in terms of time and interest. It never works to create a huge opt-in only to find that your audience doesn’t care enough about the topic to share the email address.

One suggestion is to start small. You might have a few different opt-in options on your website to appeal to different customer interests.

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Create content

After you know the basics of your website Setting Up It’s time to move on to one of the most important steps in starting a blog. create content. Also known as the fun part.

I love creating content. It’s one of my favorite things to do (as I consider it a hobby). But not everyone enjoys this process. If you find yourself hesitating about starting a blog because you don’t want to create content, it might be time to hire a freelance blogger to help you.

Search for writers on Fivrr, Upwork or even the Facebook groups you follow. But don’t avoid starting a blog because you hate to write. They will only hurt your business.

When you start creating content, brainstorm blog post ideas related to your business niche. You might want to write about trends, new products, tutorials, free printables, roundups, recipes, personal stories (related to your business of course) or anything else your audience is interested in.

Once you have Your potential blog post list, analyze it to see how your products can be associated with each post. Learn more about structuring a business blog post here.

Then start writing. Schedule blog posts to stay organized. I recommend writing for your blog once a week. That’s usually all creative business owners can handle, and it’s enough.

If you get the typo, feel free to add an additional post. But once a week is really enough to stay active on your business blog.

Don’t forget to add photos to make your blog posts more interesting. It’s great to use photos that show your products in action when you can (and when appropriate). Or you can choose from a selection of free stock photos or even some wonderful paid photo sites.

The photo site you use depends on what you are looking for. I never like to spend too much time looking for the right photo, so I have a Deposit Photos subscription for all my photography needs. I’m also confident about their licensing policies.

Just find a photo site or two—free or paid—that suits your business’s look and feel. And stay with these sites. You don’t have to waste a lot of time searching multiple photo sites for the perfect photo.

Or you can create your own photo library with your products, real world shots and other blog photos you use would like. Check out these tips on how to take your own awesome blog photos.

Create links to your products

After you blog post, it’s time to review it and add your product links. Select specific keywords that you want search engines to recognize your store for, and link back to the products in your store.

This is where the magic of a business blog happens, so don’t Don’t skip this step. Make sure your blog post includes multiple links to products in your store. You want to make it easy to convert readers into potential buyers.

If you review your blog post and see that you haven’t featured any products in the shop, at least include a link to your Etsy shop or other E Commerce Platforms.

Without these links, your blog post is just a blog post. Make sure your blog posts effectively market your products to increase your sales.

Promote your blog

Once you’ve published your blog post , it’s time to promote it. This step isn’t optional, but it doesn’t have to be difficult.

Share your post on your business social media accounts. Create Pins for each blog post and add it to related Pinterest boards.

Other ideas for promoting blog posts include joining Facebook groups that have group shares and work together to Promote each other’s posts. As long as you’re not posting directly about a product, most people in these groups are happy to help each other.

You can check out how to create a Facebook group strategy to grow your business and blog here .

Final Thoughts…

It’s no secret that I think creating a business blog is one of the most effective marketing strategies you can have as a have online creative businesses.Your blog becomes your home on the web and a place where potential clients can always find you.

But starting a blog for your creative business can seem overwhelming. Especially when you’re busy with everything else.

If you’re just starting your business journey and sales are still slow, consider investing in starting your own blog now. It’s a great way to start building an online presence for your business early on.

But don’t worry if you didn’t start a blog when you opened your Etsy shop. You can start a blog whenever you are ready. Check out this free printable checklist of all the steps to get your creative business blog off to a flying start.

Have more questions? Sign up for our free Marketing Getting Started course, where I share even more ideas on how to use blogging as an effective tool to grow your business.

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