
Định Nghĩa Của Từ ” Judge Là Gì ? Định Nghĩa, Ví Dụ, Giải Thích

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judge judge (jŭj) verbjudged, judging, judgesverb, transitive1. To form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration: judge heights; judging character. 2. a. Law. To hear and decide on in a court of law; try: judge a case. b. Obsolete. To pass sentence on; condemn. c. To act as one appointed to decide the winners of: judge an essay contest.3. To determine or declare after consideration or deliberation. 4. Informal. To have as an opinion or assumption; suppose: I judge you”re right. 5. Bible. To govern; rule. Used of an ancient Israelite leader. verb, intransitive1. To form an opinion or evaluation. 2. To act or decide as a judge. noun1. One who judges, especially: a. One who makes estimates as to worth, quality, or fitness: a good judge of used cars; a poor judge of character. b. Abbr. J., j. Law. A public official who hears and decides cases brought before a court of law. c. Law. A bankruptcy referee. d. One appointed to decide the winners of a contest or competition.2. Bible. a. A leader of the Israelites during a period of about 400 years between the death of Joshua and the accession of Saul. b. Judges (jŭj)(used with a sing. verb) Abbr. Judg., Jg., JJ3. A book of the Bible. Synonyms: judge, arbitrator, arbiter, referee, umpire. These nouns denote persons who make decisions that determine points at issue. A judge is one capable of making rational, dispassionate, and wise decisions: The members of the jury are the sole judges of what the truth is in this case. An arbitrator works to settle controversies and is either appointed or derives authority from the consent of the disputants, who choose him or her or approve the selection: The mayor appointed an experienced arbitrator to mediate between the sides and resolve the transit strike. An arbiter is one who may or may not have official status but whose opinion or judgment is recognized as being unassailable or binding: a critic who considers himself the supreme arbiter of literary taste. Less often arbiter is used interchangeably with arbitrator. A referee is an attorney appointed by a court to make a determination of a case or to investigate and report on it (a bankruptcy case handled by a referee), and an umpire is a person appointed to settle an issue that arbitrators are unable to resolve (umpires studying complex tax cases). In sports referee and umpire refer to officials who enforce the rules and settle points at issue.

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judgejudge(n) magistrate, justice, justice of the peace, judge advocate arbitrator, adjudicator, moderator, umpire, referee critic, reviewer, evaluator, arbiter, expert, authority, connoisseur, assessor, appraiser judge(v) arbitrate, adjudicate, mediate, referee, umpire, rule on, try, adjudge estimate, guess, consider, say, assess, think, decide, ascertain (formal), find, resolve criticize, sneer at, belittle, pass judgment on, condemn assess, evaluate, weigh, weigh up, look at, appraise, rate, rank, estimate consider, reckon, think, believe, deem (formal), maintain, conclude

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